Monday, 28 July 2008

More Tips On Mental Multiplication

If you are longing for more tips on mental multiplication, you have arrived at the correct post!

In this post, you will learn to do ABC x 33 type of mental multiplication.

This type of mental multiplication calls for the A x 11 category of calculation.

To have a review of A x 11 type of multiplication , please visit this link.

Example: 45 x 33

This can be separated into 45 x 3 x 11.
Doing 45 x 3 is simple.
Step: 40 x 3 = 120. Next, 5 x 3 = 15. Add the 120 to 15 = 135.

(You can view this post for a quick review of mental multiplication in 2 digits by 1 digit. )

Next, we need to do the x 11 part.

135 x 11 = 1 4 8 5 directly and mentally.

How did we get the digit 4 and 8 in the final answer 1 4 8 5?

Look at the answer 1 4 8 5.
The digit 1 in the final answer is the original 1 of the 135.
The digit 4 is the addition of the 1 and 3 of 135.
The digit 8 is the addition of the 3 and 5 of 135.
The last digit 5 is the original 5 in the 135.

With consistent practice, mental multiplication can be fast and plain sailing. It saves you time and will also boost your confidence.

Pick this skill up by training your mind for it.
Reading about it will also enhance your knowledge in this field.

Enjoy yourself using mental mathematics.



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