Numbers have many characteristics. The few examples below can prove that they can be fun and unique in themselves. They exhibit some properties other numbers do not have.
Ready .. Here we go.....
Number FOUR:
This is the only number that is the same in counts at when it is expressed in the English language, that is, FOUR has 4 letters.
Number FIVE:
5 to any power will end up with an answer having its first digit being also 5.
Number SIX:
6 to any power will end up with an answer having its first digit being also 6. Similar to number five.
The factors for SIX is 1, 2 and 3. By adding them 1 + 2 + 3 = SIX.
However, we can also multiply the factors to get the same number , 1 x 2 x 3 = SIX.
Number NINE:
9 + 9 = 18
9 x 9 = 81
By adding and multiplying the number 9 itself, the answer is the reverse of each other!
Look at the result of doing the square of 13 and its reverse 31.
132 = 169 and 312 = 961
By reversing the source, the result also reverses. Fun, right?
Number 47:
Adding 47 to 2, gives 47 + 2 = 49.
Multiply 47 by 2, gives 47 x 2 = 94. ==> Answer is the reverse of the addition !
Number 71
The cube of 71 gives 73 = 357 911. The answer is a sequence of ascending odd number from 3 to 11!
Number 504
This number can be obtained using two special products (reversal numbers).
12 X 42 = 504
21 X 24 = 504
Amazing multiplication!
Number 2592
Interesting maths computation. Look at the pattern.
2592 = 25 X 92 The numbers are in exact sequence!
Number 3435:
33 + 44 + 33 + 55 = 3435
By having the power of the individual digit be itself, number 3435 can create itself.
Maths is interesting!
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