Saturday, 26 July 2008

Palindromes? Special Numbers

Palindromes? What is that?

In English, they are words that spell the same forward and reverse.

- mom
- dad
- level
- peep
- civic

In maths , they are number likes 121, 232, 1221, 12321, 11211, etc

We can design our number palindromes using basic mathematical operation:


511 +

Answer: 6 2 6 is a number palindromes

Another palindromes in mathematics:
It is an interesting series of number that I like to present in this post.
It begins with the number 1.
12 = 1
112 = 121
1112 = 12321
11112 = 1234321
111112 = 123454321

Is it interesting?

Maths can create many wonderful patterns if we border to hunt for them.


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