Geometry as a sector of the factual part of math education is dealt here.
What is meant by Geometry sector and why is it important?
Geometry involves the ability to visualise actual shapes, angles, positions and spatial diemension of objects.
It also covers the ability to create the drawings in all possible angular view.
The students in this geometry sector must be able to relate math analysis to actual object creations, like the 3-dimensional view.
They must be skillful enough to describe the appearance of the object or solution with math tools, and relate them to the world physically.
It is with this ability that engineers create wonderful structures like the Great Wall of China or the Tokyo Tower., or the famous Pyramid of Egypt.
But, note that this skill complements the other sectors of math to achieve a complete math education.
Examples of Geometry sector ability:
a) Relating buildings to height calculation
b) Relating the Egyptian Great Pyramid to gradient or slope parameter
c) Drawing a perspective drawing of a room (angle dimensioning)
d) Creating a 3-D picture (physical visualising)
e) Tailoring of clothing (matching of different shapes and dimensions)
What are the activities needed to enhance this geometry aspect of math education?
Examples of activities that can help in developing the skill in geometry sector:
1) Playing buliding toys (e.g. LEGO, wooden blocks) to create physical objects
2) Playing Jigsaw puzzles that requires matching shapes
3) Doing art and craft exercises that need figuring out shapes or curves and bends for objects
4) Playing doughs ( 3-D objct creation and dimensioning)
5) Playing slides (example of gradient) or see-saw (pivot point application in real world)
6) See a movie in a 3-D theatre (space dimensioning effect)
7) Discuss about real life examples in relation to shapes (example water ripple to sinewave in trigonometry)
8.) Building a project given some pre-defined objects like ball, box, stick and objects of various shapes.
9) Packing things ( example: tidying up the bookself with proper arangement of books)
10) Cooking to relate the term "volume" of items in a pot or pan.
Take the chance to let the students explore with shapes and relate them to math terms used in geometry, example, gradient, height, volume and angles.
Use hand-on practical assignments to aid math understanding and better impression of the geometry learning.
In summary, there are alot of ways to enable math students learn geometry. It is the relationship between real world applications that they need to be aware before geometry in math education beomes meaningful.
A brief overview of the other math sectors can be viewed by clicking at Numerous Sectors of Math.
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