Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Divisibility by 8 | Concept Explained

The rule for divisibility is carried out by:

- Look at the last 3 digits (right-most),
- Check if they are divisible by 8,
- If yes, then the original number is divisible by 8.

This concept is similar to that of the divisibility by 4.


Taking 1 four-digit number abcd. Re-writting it ==> 1000a + 100b + 10c + d

We see that the 1000a digit is of no concern to the divisibility test as it is definitely divisible by 8 since 1000 / 8 = 125. Even if it is 2000, 30000,...it is still divisible.

This leave us with the only the last 3 digits to decide whether the original number is divisible by 8. This concept is surely less complex than the Divisibility by 7, right?

For more information about the concept for Divisibility by 7, please click here.

To view concept for Divisibility by 9, please click here.


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