Sunday, 3 August 2008

Exciting Patterns of Maths

Maths is an exciting subject.

Why so?

From the many patterns it forms, through its mathematical relation or expression, we can see that they tell us some hidden message, although this message is up to one's interpretation.

175 = 11 + 72 + 53

135 = 11 + 32 + 53

518 = 51 + 12 + 83

How about 596 ?

How about 598 ?

Below is another exciting set of patterns that we can see in maths:
9801 = 992 and 98 + 01 = 99

Look at the sequence of numbers for the above expressions, they are the SAME!

Numbers do make life exciting with its many hidden patterns. It is an area where the human mind can challenge itself to discover more unexplored relations.

Interesting maths, right?


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