Thursday, 7 August 2008

Interesting LIst of Additions

Maths can be mysteriously beautiful at times.

Standing alone it may not reveal this beauty, but collectively as a series, we can see it forms into interesting pattern.

Look at the below example :

29 + 92 = 112
38 + 83 = 112
47 + 74 = 112
56 + 65 = 112
65 + 56 = 112
74 + 47 = 112
83 + 38 = 112
92 + 29 = 112

Looking closely at the 2 numbers forming the 112, we see that the tens unit decreases while the ones unit increases. Their sum however, remains beautifully unchanged.
Standing alone, with a single addition, we will not be able to see this pattern, right?

For the beauty of maths, Cheers ! :)

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