What is zero?
Nothing, empty?
1 + 0 = 1
2 + 0 = 2
5 - 0 = 5
So what is this "0" doing?
Nothing to the effect, right? With or without the number "zero", the answer is the original. It has nothing to do with the final answer.
What about 3 x 0? It has some significance here now.
3 x 0 = 0,
45 x 0 = 0.
Do you want your pay to be $1 or $10 or $10 000?
Here, the number "0" is very, very important, right?
50 = 1
670 = 1
23450 = 1
Here the number "0" (acting as a power to the base) has some meaning. It causes all the base number to convert to the same number of 1. Wonderful! It simplifies things.
What if we divide a number by zero?
4 / 0 = INFINITY (explosion!)
A number that means "nothing" causes another number to go infinite!
Now is the number "ZERO" nothing? ........
Well, think again. Nothing means something if its usage is proper.
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