Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Using "i" Imaginary | 2 key functions

Complex number consists of both real and imaginary terms.

The imaginary term utilised the letter"i" as an operator.

This "i" is a special element in mathematics.

What does it do?

It has 2 key functions:

1) It can change a real term or value to an imaginary term, and vice versa.

Given Z = 2. If you perform an "i" multiplication on this Z, you will get i x 2 = i2.

The real number, 2, became an imaginary term, i2 !

Likewise, an imaginary number i4 multiplied by "i", gives you a real number, i4 x i = -4 !

2) It can rotate a target by 90 degree anti-clockwise.

Given Z = 2 (lying on the horizontal axis at 0 degree). By multiplying an "i" to it, the number changes to i2, which means lying on the vertical axis at 90 degree from the original.

The "i" works as a rotating operator on its target.


The cheeky, little "i" can make number change direction as well as characteristics; a real number into an imaginary one!

:-) (-:

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