Saturday, 9 May 2009

Learning Math Topics in Isolation

Learning encompasses linking with other area and related topics.

Learning thing with disregard for other is alright for the sake of triggering the mind. But does it benefits more if linked to others?

Does indices related to quadratic equation?
Does multiplication relates to addition?
Does complex number relates to algebra?

All the above questions are common in the mind of a math learners.
If you do not have these questions along the learning phase, something is very wrong.

Learning math in isolation is similar to living in an isolated island all by yourself.
You do not know what is happening in the world.
You do not know if there is famine somewhere, or swine flu going round, or a plane crash near you.

Math has to be done with linkage to many other mathematical topics. It cannot be done in isolation.

Math is a tool that solves real-life problems. With mastery of various mathematical concept and relation among them, you will be better prepare to solve more problems.

Many a time, you will come across students who just study topical math without knowing that they can apply what have been taught to them previously.

They start fresh when a new topic is introduced.
Algebra is different from complex number.
The addition in complex number is done differently from that done in algebra. That's what they assumed, since the heading is different!

Interesting learning ways, right?

That is human nature, to be frank. Only when you are told, sometimes, otherwise you will not know it. Adults learn through experience that this assumption is pulling you down.

The ability to link many things together is a very beneficial skill to permanently internalise.
This does not point to math alone. Others apply.

Math can be tough if learned using an improper learning method.
One good technique is the linking technique where you will see yourself happily doing math, being able to apply and solve questions using previous and current taught concepts.
It motivates you.
This is the STARTING point if you are unaware. This is the point where it decides whether you can sustain math learning.

Learn wide and later deep into math. But start with the correct footing. Link as much to previous as possible. It will be a sure way to happy math doing.

:-) I like math!

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