Monday, 21 September 2009

Simple Tricky Maths Pattern

Maths forms interesting patterns if you care to look around.

One such example is highlighted below:

12  11  10  09  08  07  06   <== row 1  (decreasing by 1)
01  02  03  04  05  06  07   <== row 2  (increasing by 1)

If you add the numbers in row 1 to that in row 2, you will get, surprisingly, the same answer throughout!

13  13  13  13  13  13  13

Why is it so?

It is a simple trick to the unwaries, actually.

Maths is not that difficult, to start off.
The answers to the above additions seem to be accidental in having the same number.
It is actually not accidental if you think abit.

The answers were intended to be 13 to begin with.

13 = 12 + 1
13 = 11 + 2
13 = 10 + 3  ....  and so on.

Though the additions seems magical with one row in ascending mode while the other row in descending mode, it is the visual maths trick that corrupts and confuses the mind.

If your principles of mathematics is good and strong, you will break through this simple trick in no time.

To excite young minds, this is a good one to try on them.

Happy playing with maths.
Maths is interesting!


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