Friday, 20 November 2009

Logarithm Operation Explained

Everyone knows what happen when we add a number to another.

We also know what happen when we do subtraction.

There is also no problem with multplication or division of numbers.

These are all simple mathematical operations that are basic.

What about doing a logarithmic operation in math?
This is a slightly complex but interesting question.

When we do a logarithmic operation on a number, what we actually do want out of the mathematical process is the power or index with reference to a base number.

105 has a base number of 10 and index of 5.

Doing a "log" of the above will reveal an answer of 5.
This is the power after doing a "log" operation.

Thus, when anyone does a logarithmic operation on a number (or expression), he is trying to find the index with respect to a base reference.

log 105 = 5.

Full written log expression is "logkP".   When the "k" is left out, it implies that k = 10.
And log 10 = 1.

I hope the above can explain why we do logarithmic operation and its significant.

There must be a reason for each math operation, otherwise we will be learning and doing some insane process on earth!

Maths Is Interesting!


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