Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Using Equation To Create A Square Graphically

While studying maths, I have been exposed to equation that forms a circle.

We know that x^2 + y^2 = 1 creates a circle.

But I have been wondering what is an equation to form a square.

I had tried a few mathematical expressions till today.

And finally I found the interesting and mysteries equation. 
It utilises the same concept as the circle except that hyperbolic trigonometry is applied.

Below is a graph plotted with that equation.

The corners are rounded though. Any one has any try with a more sharper corner?

Graph is a wonderful tool as it can present results visually with one view.
Appreciating maths and using it appropriately can reduce many complex problems.

Maths is interesting.


1 comment:

  1. I discovered that math is another form of method to express one's idea. Through this graph, it reflects the thinking process and the perseverance to achieve one's goal. Math here is taken to be a platform to stenghten your will to get a mathematical objective. Well done! Keep up the good work! Hurray for you!


