If a ratio has its numerator less than the denominator ==> The numerator is relatively smaller in size than the total.
If the numerator is larger than the denominator ==> The numerator is bigger in size than the total.
An example can illustrate the concept.
If a costume is now priced at 90% of its original, $100, it means that the price is not only $90.
It is lesser than the original, since the ratio is 90 / 100 or 0.9.
If the costume is newly priced at 120% of its original, $100, it means that the price is now at $120!
A price value more than the original.
It is a practical real-life number.
- Percentage can be more than 100%.
- The numerator can be more than the denominator.
Interesting? You bet.
:) Happy maths learning.